Monday, September 2, 2013

Finally Here

"You should start a blog"... Five words from countless people over the past four years.

Of course, I always react to this suggestion in the same manner that I handle most things that make me uncomfortable- a big smile, slight nod of the head, and "We'll see...maybe". Yes...uncomfortable. Those five words always caused the same overwhelming thoughts: "But what do I write about? Do I need a theme? Is it strange that an English major doesn't know what or why to write? Should I be concerned that I don't want to write? Who cares what I have to say? I don't even write well. WHAT IS MY FUTURE!?" Total and complete panic over such a short harmless statement- every.single.time.

The last person to hurl the forsaken "You should start a blog" at me, however, received an entirely different response. Instead of my usual polite dismissal to others and inner meltdown of epic proportions, I felt calm (maybe even excited), smiled, and thew back a "You're right. I should." But why this time? Why now? Am I suddenly more confident in my writing? Do I actually have something worth sharing? No idea. I can't answer the "why" just yet (or possibly ever), but as I embark on this new chapter of my life, I'm excited to have this blog to document the oh-so memorable moments, whether unbelievably amazing or unfathomably hellish. SO HELLLLOOO GRAD SCHOOL! A whole new world. A whole new identity.

I will surely be red-eyed from exhaustion, while I type furiously away at my computer and chug my beloved Iced Red Eye, but I'm ready now... to share my thoughts; tell the stories of my day to day adventures; and document the crazy antics of life as a grad student, social media manager, writing tutor, and part-time weekend caterer. I'm crazy, right? Ok, just checking.

Well, here we are...finally. The first post.

Bring on the adventure, Boston! I'm ready for you.


  1. I think it's a great idea!!!!!! I look forward to read your adventures!

  2. So many things can stop us from doing something like blogging. I tried a theme and it didn't work..who cares? Can't wait to read more!
